Help for the Ice Jam Database Application

The Ice Jam Database is maintained by the Ice Engineering Group at CRREL and currently consists of 26149 records from across the US. The Ice Jam Database application contains several tools for accessing information about both historic and current ice jams, and relate information about the processes involved in the formation of an ice jam. The documentation below provides help for using the tools in this application. The information is organized by major tab groups within the application.


Latitude and longitude values for jam events are based on descriptions in references sources, USGS gaging stations, or city of occurrence and are subject to the accuracy of GPS measurements, interpolation from topographic or and other maps, and age of records. Further detailed information regarding location may be available in the event description.

Preliminary entries are available to provide data regarding recent reports of events.  This information is gathered from various official sources, media and local observations.  Much of this information is considered provisional, has received limited review and has not received final approval.


The "Home" tab contains general information about the CRREL Ice Engineering Group and the Ice Jam Database, Bulletins and Surveys. The following links are provided:

  • Graphs displaying information on the current WY's Ice Jams.


The "Search" tool provides information about current and historic ice jams from the Ice Jam Database. Query results are based on selections made within the Text Query section, including location, date, and content criteria. List below are key points for creating text queries (left side of page):

  • On the top of the Search region multiple filters are available to refine search results. The data selected from the query will be those records that meet ALL criteria selected in the filter.

Map View:

The "Map View" tab provides a mechanism for querying the Ice Jam Database using an interactive map. The map interface also includes map utilities for creating a printable report based on a selection of Ice Jams. The following list provides details on map viewing and associated utilites:

  • Historic Proximity Query and Polygon Query: Use these tools to select and view information on multiple Ice Jams. For more information on how to use these tools go to the Map View page.


The Terminology page provides definitions of ice terminology, published by the Research Centre for Water Resources Budapest (1980).


Historical ice jam data reports, summarized by various categories. Click on a summary report on the left side of the page and the appropriate summary content will be shown on the left side of the page.


This Help document.

Contact Us:

A form is provide to fill in subject, name, telephone, e-mail and a message. The message can be sent to the Ice Jam Database proponent or manager.