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Index numberCityStateRiverJam dateWater yearJam typeLatitudeLongitudeGage numberAhps idCurrent conditionDamages
20240514161405AkiachakAKKuskokwim River05/08/20242024Break-up60.840652-161.45984--releasedMinor flooding reported in Akiachak. Major flooding reported in Kwethluk.
20240514161724AkiachakAKKuskokwim River05/08/20242024Break-up60.90647-161.46589--releasedMinor flooding reported in Akiachak. Major flooding reported in Kwethluk.
20240514161551AkiachakAKKuskokwim River05/08/20242024Break-up60.799238-161.538543--releasedMinor flooding reported in Akiachak. Major flooding reported in Kwethluk.
20240514161630AkiachakAKKuskokwim River05/08/20242024Break-up60.903046-161.412986--releasedMinor flooding reported in Akiachak. Major flooding reported in Kwethluk.
20240507164004AkiakAKKuskokwim River05/05/20242024Break-up60.89428-161.26125--releasedMinor flooding reported around airfield on 5/4, moving slowly toward village as water levels increase c. 5/5.
20240507163454TuluksakAKKuskokwim River05/04/20242024Break-up61.06246-161.03747--releasedMinor flooding reported--backwater filled the Tuluksak River and started spilling over into town. Inundation of homes reported to have begun on 5/6.
20240507162059Lower KalskagAKKuskokwim River05/03/20242024Break-up61.442515-160.511063--releasedOn 3 May, water levels fluctuated throughout the day. As of 8pm water was rising again, the lake at Lower Kalskag was rising, and water had reached the village via Mud Creek. Minor flooding in Kalskag has cut off the community from the airstrip, surrounded the school, and come within a couple feet of the power plant. As of 9PM the powerplant was still running (5/3). The jam released on 5/4 but briefly re-jammed on the island below Lower Kalsag.
20240507152812Lower KalskagAKKuskokwim River05/02/20242024Break-up61.42507-160.57146--releasedNo flooding reported.